Exaile 3.4.0 Release , Install On Linux Ubuntu / Mint & Debian Using PPA

Exaile 3.4.0 Release , Install On Linux Ubuntu / Mint & Debian Using PPA

Exaile is a music manager and player for GTK+ written in Python. It incorporates automatic fetching of album art, lyrics fetching, Last.fm scrobbling, support for many portable media players, internet radio such as shoutcast, and tabbed playlists.

  •     Audio output device can now be switched while playing songs
  •     Official support for OSX!
  •     Improved unicode support
  •     An option has been added to disallow playback while another song is playing
  •     Linux: UDisks/UDisks2 support
  •     Covers: cover manager improvements, saving to disk

  •     Playlists can be shown in multiple panes
  •     The left tab panels are now closable
  •     BPM counter plugin has better UI integration

Enhanced smart playlists
  •     Create playlists based on other playlists
  •     Support for filtering over 20 different tag types

  •     A simpler plugin API is available (but the old one still works!)
  •     Plugin manager doesn't show users potentially broken plugins anymore
  •     New plugins: console, Icecast Radio, lyricsmania, mono output, playlist analyzer, Soma.FM
  •     Broken/old plugins removed: lyricsfly, shoutcast
  •     Fixes/improvements for various plugins

  •     Improved bootup times for Windows
  •     Installer has support for 64-bit python
  •     Exaile restart doesn't break
  •     Improved multimedia keys plugin

Exaile 3.4.0 Release , Install On Linux Ubuntu / Mint & Debian Using PPA, open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install exaile exaile-plugin-contextinfo exaile-plugin-ipod exaile-plugin-moodbar exfalso