How did I become popular on internet?

Of course I don’t need to mention how can becoming popular on the internet help you make very good money online and how can it allow you to work from home without having to go to an office so will skip this part and go directly to the practical advices.

The internet is full of websites that offer content that is related to the topics I write about in my websites, so why did my name become popular?

If on your way back home you saw a real bad accident that resulted in destroying 10 cars, won’t you remember it? Of course you will and you will ignore all other events that happened on the street that day because they were all too normal to be remembered.

If you really want to become popular on the internet then you must convince people that you are different and that your website or blog is different than all other competing ones. My first website became popular in a very short period of time because I managed to convince the visitors that it is different than other websites covering the same topic

How to convince people that you are an expert?

There is only one way to do it which is to really become an expert. The "fake it until you make it" approach will never work online and people will sense your lies through the words you are using.

Don’t worry, becoming an expert is not a hard task, you just need to commit to reading about the topic that interests you for 2 hours a day. Yes 2 hours are enough but you need to keep doing it every single day with no exceptions. After few months you will find that you have enough knowledge to make a website about this topic and as you keep reading you will know more about it until you will become a Guru on the subject.
When you become an expert you will then have to deliver the message through your website’s slogan, title, page footers and everything else that you can use. When people start getting the message and when they become convinced that you are an expert they will trust you and you will become popular.
A live example for this would be the footer I use on every page of this website which points out my points of strength, my knowledge and how the information I provide can help the readers. If you applied what you read in this article you will

Why to become popular on the internet?
When you are operating your business, you surely want to have a popular one rather than a small, unknown one. There are a lot of ways that you can consider when you wish to do so. And one of the basic things that you should do is link building.

Link building needs you to work for a long period of time. Actually, since you determine to work in link building you should work until you shut down your business. You have to understand that regular and consistent work on link building is the key of success. You are not the only one working in link building so you have to understand that if you are not hard-working enough you would lose in the keen competition.

Sometimes, you might be advised to add as many links as you can. However, this is not something true. When you include a lot of useless links inside your account, the search engines would regard your account as a spam one and they would not show your account in the result pay.
One of the common ways employed by people for link building would be directory submission. This is one of the affordable ways for link building among all the various SEO methods. Your sites would be indexed quickly after you employ directory method for link building. You can also promote your brand using this method, so this method is quite convenient indeed.

Of course, if you are running a business with a limited budget, you should think about working on your own. There are plenty of ways that you can do so as to build link conveniently. The first way that you can employ is to publish your links in some social websites. Social bookmarking is something commonly used by people now because these websites are renounced and they would bring you to a higher position of the search engine results page.

Some people would try to buy or rent links. They may rent some quality links from brokers. Some would even buy old, reputable links and this is something which could enable people to escape from the initial effort of link building. Things have been established for them and they would feel more convenient and comfortable when doing link building in this way.
Of course, the last thing that you can employ is to buy links from some reputable sites. This would increase the reliability of your website. But if you do have a limited amount of money to spend, you should not spend in this way. You would better employ professional companies to work for you in SEO link building.
To conclude, link building is actually something crucial to the development of business, especially the online ones because you can hardly find other cheap and useful ways for promoting your business. If you think that this method is suitable for your business, you may consider visiting some online websites about how to build links well and efficiently. Gradually, you would learn more and you would become the professional expert in this field.

In short, there are only two main thing to become popular
Linking: I don’t care where you come from, what sports you played, or how good you think you are. If some element of your site is not linking to other blogs within your niche, you are being foolish. Blogging is all about sharing information and starting a larger conversation. The second you take a competitive stance, you are cooked. When you link to other like-minded blogs you are essentially telling them that you exist and that you are part of the conversation.

Widgets and other garbage: A blog is about your readers, it’s not about you. Everything you add to your site should be added only if the readers benefit. To this day I cringe when I see blogs with 19 badges indicating what groups they are part of, or where they are ranked on irrelevant rating sites. Who cares? How does that benefit the people visiting your site?