How To Install Ambiance & Radiance Colors Themes In Linux Ubuntu / Debian & Mint And Other Linux Distribution

How To Install Ambiance & Radiance Colors Themes In Linux Ubuntu / Debian & Mint And Other Linux Distribution

Changes in Ambiance & Radiance Colors 14.04.6:

  • Xfce: fixed issues with window borders not being rendered properly on Fedora, Arch and Slackware (basically non-Debian distros had a bug for some reason);
  • Xfce: the window borders and menu now blend properly;
  • Xfce: added a work-around (solid color) to get the GTK3 Indicator background in Xfce / Xubuntu to render properly because the Xfce GTK3 Indicator doesn't support gradients (tip: use a solid background in the Xfce panel settings to get a consistent-looking panel);
  • Xfce: various Radiance theme fixes for better compatibility;
  • All supported desktop environments (Unity, Xfce, MATE, Cinnamon): the toolbar / menubar / toolbar should now blend together - see this image;
  • The PPA now supports Ubuntu 14.10. 
To Install Ambiance & Radiance Colors Themes In Linux Ubuntu 14.10,14.04,12.04/ Debian & Mint And Other Linux Distribution Using PPA, open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ravefinity-project/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ambiance-colors radiance-colors

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
(Compatible with 14.10, Linux Mint 17, Debian Testing, GTK 3.10+

Any Distro!
Ambiance And Radiance Colors 14.04.6
Download Tar Package For Any Distro