Install Android apps in Linux, thanks to Chrome

Install Android apps in Linux, thanks to Chrome

In this guide we will see how to start Android in Linux thanks to Google Chrome and ChromeOS-apk.
Android apps in Ubuntu via Chrome

We have recently seen how easily install native applications for Android in Chrome OS, a solution that we can also use the desktop version of Google's browser. A part of what Google has already introduced support for native applications for Android also in the desktop version of Chrome for Linux, Windows and Mac. I should point out that the support for Android is still under development and currently only work some applications.
In order to install / run Android apps in Linux via Chrome ChromeOS-we will have to use apk tool that allows us to convert the apk in extensions for the Google browser.

The first thing to do is to install the version under development (Dev) of Google Chrome from this page.

Without this apk-install ChromeOS in Ubuntu and we will have to first install lib32stdc ++ 6 and Node.js by typing in a terminal:

curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs lib32stdc++6
At this point we install ChromeOS-apk typing in a terminal:  
sudo npm install chromeos-apk -g
Once installed ChromeOS-we will have to download the apk package apk application or game to start in Chrome.

To download the apk applications and games from Android APK Downloader can use the portal, just insert the relevant page in Google Play Store to download the application here and downloaded the apk.

To transform the apk in extension for Chrome you can type: 

chromeos-apk applicazione.apk --archon

There will be asked to enter the name to be given to the extension, we can give such,

We start Chrome and unload this zip file and go in the extensions section or go to chrome: // extensions / and spuntiamo the "Developer Mode" and drag the zip file you downloaded into the window.
Now click on "Load unpacked extension" and change the application folder you created earlier.

If everything is correct we will turn our Android app in Chrome.

There are already several applications already "converted" from apk extensions for Chrome that we can download from this page, just extract the zip file and upload it as we did before.