Install Chatty 0.7-1 in Linux Ubuntu, Mint and debian derivative system

Install Chatty 0.7-1 in Linux Ubuntu, Mint and debian derivative system

Twitch chat client for everyone who wants to try something new and different from the webchat, but doesn't want the complexity of an IRC client or miss out on the Twitch specific features.

New features Chatty 0.7-1:
    - Added Emoticon Dialog, showing emotes you paid for (Subscriber/Turbo)
    and channel-specific emotes (FFZ/BTTV)
    - Added Followers/Subscribers lists, added new follower sound (works only
    if Followers Dialog is open)
    - Livestreamer: Added setting to use auth (for sub-only streams), added
    setting whether to open the Livestreamer Dialog when opening a stream
    from the menu
    - Added setting to write stream info to a file (e.g. for display on
    - Automatically request moderator list once per channel, added /fixMods
    command to temporarily fix mods status without showing the list of all
    - Added /host and /unhost commands
    - Added shortcut Ctrl-W to close active tab/restore popout to tab
    - Admin Dialog: Added option to automatically repeat commercial on the
    set delay
    - Added stream uptime to Channel Info Dialog (how long ago a stream was

Requirements Chatty 0.7-1
You need to have the Java 7 JRE or later installed. Download Java if you need it.

To Install Chatty 0.7-1 in Linux Ubuntu (12.04, 12.10, 13.04, 13.10, 14.0, 14.10), mint (14,15,16,17) and debian derivative system, open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:
sudo dpkg -i chatty_0.7-1~getdeb1_all.deb
sudo apt-get install -f
sudo rm -rf chatty_0.7-1~getdeb1_all.deb
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