Install DeVeDe 3.23.0 in Linux Ubuntu/Mint and Debian

Install DeVeDe 3.23.0 in Linux Ubuntu/Mint and Debian

DeVeDe is A program to create video DVDs, suitables for home players, from any number of video files

Chnglog DeVeDe 3.23.0  :
  • Added support for AVConv (the new FFMpeg conversion utility)
  • Added fallback when the destination folder doesn't exists
  • Added support for AC3_FIX for FFMpeg and AVConv
  • Fixed preview from the "Menu options" window (thanks to TommyDKat)
  • Added installation system (thanks to Matttbe)
Install DeVeDe 3.23.0 in Linux Ubuntu/Mint and Debian Using PPA, open terminal and follow this command
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install devede
Home DeVeDe 3.23.0