Install Gentoo Live DVD on pc


Install Gentoo Live DVD on pc

We highlight a video and guide dedicated to the installation of Gentoo live DVD on your PC.

A few weeks ago is available Live DVD "Hibrid" Gentoo version that allows us to test the popular Linux distribution on our PC without having to install. The live DVD of Gentoo 20140826 (Hybrid ISO) is released with packages updated to August 26, 2014 with the Linux kernel and Xorg 1.16.0 and 3.15.6 available in various desktop environments such as KDE (4.13.3), Gnome Shell (3.12. 2), XFCE (4.10), LXQt (0.7.0), Fluxbox (1.3.5), i3 (2.8) together with various applications such as Mozilla Firefox 31.0, LibreOffice, Gimp 2.8.10, Blender 2.71- r1, Amarok 2.8.0-r2, Chromium 37.0.2062.35 and many more.

The Gentoo live DVD is released without any installer, we can ccomunqueinstallare distribution on our PC through the guidance provided by its developer Gentoo.
The installation of Gentoo Live on pc in my opinion is not exactly the best because you lose just one of the main features of Gentoo ie the possibility to create an operating system specifically for our pc. The problem is that Gentoo installation requires several operations in the command line that require a certain familiarity with Linux (should be installed only by experienced users).

To install Gentoo Live DVD on pc first thing we need to create a / boot partition of 512 MB​​, a root partition / from at least 15 GB and a swap once created are going to mount them in the live started and we're going to copy the contents of the distribution .

Once you've copied the whole thing we're going to work with the operating system installed thanks to Chroot working GRUB bootloader, kernel, etc. as indicated in the guidelines issued by the official Gentoo developer.

Here's a video that describes how to install the Gentoo live DVD from pc.