Install RAVE X Colors GTK Theme On Mint 17 & Ubuntu 14.04,14.10 Using PPA

Install RAVE X Colors GTK Theme On Mint 17 & Ubuntu 14.04,14.10 Using PPA

RAVE X Colors Brings you a unique and beautiful GTK 3 (And 2) desktop theme in your choice to 16 Awesome Refined Colors! Personalize your desktop the way you want.

RAVE X Colors is a delightful blend of Mint-X and Zukitwo And some RAVEfinity design and code. (Namely the Colors, Fixes and support for Unity and Dark Panels)

RAVE X Now works with Unity (Unlike Mint-X Colors) And Includes "New" Colored Window Buttons, Compared to the boring "X" in the old one. And Support for having a Light or Dark Panel. On any desktop!

Works on Cinnamon,Unity,Xfce,MATE (Gnome 2),XFCE,LXDE , Gnome Shell.

Also Included are 7 Different Colors of "Special Edition" Window Boarders Called RAVEfinity-X, These are Built for Cinnamon, MATE and XFCE only.

To Install RAVE X Colors GTK Theme On Mint 17 & Ubuntu 14.04,14.10 Using PPA , open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ravefinity-project/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ravex-colors-gtk-theme

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