Install RAVE X Icon Theme on Linux Mint 17+, Ubuntu 14.04+ And other Distros.

Install RAVE X Icon Theme on Linux Mint 17+, Ubuntu 14.04+ And other Distros.

The RAVE-X Colors Icon Theme is a fusion of Fanenza, elementary and other icons. It Features brand new "Modern" folders based on elementary!.  It comes in 12 Punchy Colors. For Light, Dark Panels and Full Dark For Dark Toolbars (Like Ambiance) It may be developed in it's own direction eventually but at the time being you can think of it as a fusion of icon themes. letting you choose your own color and look good while doing it!

This Theme is a variant of RAVEfinity X! But Yes it's a new theme since it has new folders and may become more flat one day.
It features more modern folders icons originally designed by elementary's Daniel F. These have been adapted With New Colors By RAVEfinity. So if you don't like them, you should blame us, not Dan.

To Install RAVE X Icon Theme on Linux Mint 17+, Ubuntu 14.04+ And other Distros using PPA, open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ravefinity-project/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rave-x-colors-icons


RAVE X Icon Theme