Install uGet 2 Beta (uGet 1.99.3) On Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Fedora 20, Arch Linux And Derivative Systems

Install uGet 2 Beta (uGet 1.99.3) On Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Fedora 20, Arch Linux And Derivative Systems

The latest uGet 2 Beta (uGet 1.99.3) comes with support for multi-thread downloading and mirrors, support for the aria2 command-line download manager, got enhanced BitTorrent and metalink support, received a split option to avoid less connections if the user specifies the mirrors, it got support for aria2 –out for setting the output filename, a new setting dialog has been added and a new feature for sorting the downloads by status has been added.

Part 1. curl plug-in:
1. support multi-thread downloading.
2. support mirrors.
3. support aria2 control file format ver 1 (aria2 v1.4.1).
4. It can allocate file by its size before downloading.
5. uGet1's downloaded file can't be resumed by uGet2. It is not compatiable.

Part 2. aria2 plug-in:
1. better BitTorrent and metalink support.
2. support JSON-RPC batch request to improve remote aria2 downloading.
3. support aria2 "--out" argument to set output filename.
4. support RPC authorization secret token (Aria2 v1.8.4 new feature)
5. add "split" option to avoid less connections if user specify mirrors.

Part 3. Application:

1. Every category has it's data file. (file format is JSON)
2. Program can set priority for each download in global speed limit mode.
3. Auto classifier by file extension, host, and scheme.
4. User can change category order.
5. All data files use JSON format. (not compatiable with uGet 1)
6. Global speed control can affect all plug-ins.
7. Skip existing URLs from clipboard and command-line.

Part 4. GTK+ User interface:
1. New setting dialog.
2. Adjust category selector in main window for touch screen.
3. Remember category selection and paned position.
4. Program can sort all downloads by status.
5. Program can launch custom command when download complete.
6. Remove feature: launching app for specified file types.
7. Don't notify completed if error occurs. It will notify error.
8. Banner can show uGet RSS message.
9. provide uget-1to2 (or uget-gtk-1to2) to convert setting from old uGet files.

How to install uGet 2 Beta (uGet 1.99.3) on Ubuntu 14.04 and derivative systems:

Instructions for 32 bit systems:

sudo apt-get install gdebi
wget " (developing)/1.99.3/uget_1.99.3-0ubuntu0~trusty_i386.deb"
sudo gdebi uget_1.99.3-0ubuntu0~trusty_i386.deb

Instructions for 64 bit systems:
sudo apt-get install gdebi
wget " (developing)/1.99.3/uget_1.99.3-0ubuntu0~trusty_amd64.deb"
sudo gdebi uget_1.99.3-0ubuntu0~trusty_amd64.deb
How to install uGet 2 Beta (uGet 1.99.3) on Ubuntu 12.04 and derivative systems:

Instructions for 32 bit systems:

sudo apt-get install gdebi
wget " (developing)/1.99.3/uget_1.99.3-0ubuntu0~precise_i386.deb"
sudo gdebi uget_1.99.3-0ubuntu0~precise_i386.deb

Instructions for 64 bit systems:
sudo apt-get install gdebi
wget " (developing)/1.99.3/uget_1.99.3-0ubuntu0~precise_amd64.deb"
sudo gdebi uget_1.99.3-0ubuntu0~precise_amd64.deb
Optional, to remove uget 2 beta, from either Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04 or derivative systems, do:
sudo apt-get remove uget
How to install uGet 2 Beta (uGet 1.99.3) on Fedora 20 systems:

Instructions for 32 bit systems:

wget " (developing)/1.99.3/uget-1.99.3-0.fc20.src.rpm"
sudo yum install uget-1.99.3-0.fc20.src.rpm

Instructions for 64 bit systems:
wget " (developing)/1.99.3/uget-1.99.3-0.fc20.x86_64.rpm"
sudo yum install uget-1.99.3-0.fc20.x86_64.rpm
Optional, to remove uget 2 beta, from Fedora 20 systems, do:
sudo yum remove uget
How to install uGet 2 Beta (uGet 1.99.3) on Arch Linux and Manjaro systems:
sudo pacman -S yaourt
sudo yaourt -Syua uget2-beta
Optional, to remove uget 2 beta, from Arch Linux and Manjaro, do:
sudo pacman -Rs uget2-beta