Install Urban Terror 4.2.019 in Linux Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, SteamOS and other debian based distro

Install Urban Terror 4.2.019 in Linux Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, SteamOS and other debian based distro

Urban Terror™ is a free multiplayer first person shooter developed by FrozenSand, that will run on any Quake III Arena compatible engine. It is available for Windows, Linux and Macintosh.

Urban Terror can be described as a Hollywood tactical shooter; somewhat realism based, but the motto is "fun over realism". This results in a very unique, enjoyable and addictive game.


New gametype - Freeze Tag (#10) - new CVARs g_thawTime and g_meltdownTime - new log lines
New map ut4_prominence
New map ut4_killroom
New g_stratTime CVAR - strategy time at round start in Team Survivor and BOMB modes
Fixed hotpotato timer not stopping on timeout
Fixed crash when using map and devmap server commands
Fixed a "round end" message loop happening when only one player is connected in FFA gametype
Fixed the flag capture time bug in jump mode
Fixed a crash in the demos ui page
Fixed a possible crash on map load on OSX
Fixed a "signal 6" crash on OSX 10.9
Fixed the copy/paste causing engine crash on Unix systems
Fixed malformed reply to the /ignore command #10
Fixed ut_weaptoggle grenade malfunction when having two types of grenades #4
Added a flood protection on weapon mode change #32
Fixed callvote kick bug where another player could be kicked
Fixed client number for callvote server log messages
Fixed callvote map unpredictability and server log messages
Fixed some HUD elements being displayed while the client was paused #36
Added a client info cvar named authl containing player's auth name when authenticated #35
Unlocked the download speed of map packs #44
Fixed dmaHD entering an infinite loop on certain maps #34
Made the reconnect command work across a client restart #40
Fixed the forcesub broadcast message #50
Fixed bomb plant time crashing the server #52
Fixed tell command not targeting the correct user #19
Fixed medkit icon not appearing or randomly flickering #17
Fixed third person mode persisting in sub #43
Fixed Client 0 getting the kill on certain bleed outs #78
To Install Urban Terror 4.2.019 in Linux Ubuntu (12.04, 12.10, 13.04, 13.10, 14.0, 14.10), mint (14,15,16,17) and debian derivative system, open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb precise-getdeb games" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install urbanterror
Home Urban terror
Install Urban Terror 4.2.019 in Linux Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, SteamOS and other debian based distro