It links easily create new links in the menu to Linux

It links easily create new links in the menu to Linux

Link It is a simple tool that allows us to quickly create new application links, url etc in the menu with a few clicks of the mouse

It links in Ubuntu
Ubuntu and the major Linux distributions are released with a software center that can facilitate us to install new applications, game, etc. included in the official repositories and other third parties. In the network there are also several applications that do not require any installation since they are released with only the pre-compiled binaries or scripts, etc.. To quickly launch these applications need to save them in a dedicated directory and create a shortcut in the menu, task made ​​much easier thanks to the Link It tool.
Link It is an open source project, developed by a reader, which allows us to create a menu shortcut (desktop file) through a few simple clicks, so it can be used even by novice user.

Thanks to Link It we can then create a link such as versions under development for Firefox (Nightly or beta), start a script, theme conky, or launch a favorite website etc..
To create a link, simply start menu links from It, once started, just enter the name of the connection, specify the icon to use, and enter the command with which to start the software or url, then we will have to indicate the category in which it will be inserted the connection and confirm the creation.

Once you have created the connection will already be included in the menu, the desktop file created will be saved in the directory .local / share / applications of our home so that they can be created and removed easily without root permissions.

Install Link It
Install Link It is very simple, just open the terminal and type:

LinkIt cd-master

After the installation just start It links from the menu.
To remove links It simply type:

sudo rm /usr/bin/
sudo rm / etc / LinkIt
sudo rm /usr/share/applications/linkit.desktop
sudo rm /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/linkit.png

Home Link It