LXDE in Arch Linux, some small tips post-installation

LXDE in Arch Linux, some small tips post-installation

In this guide we're going to Vedre how to solve some problems that can occur after installing Arch Linux with the LXDE desktop environment.

LXDE in Arch Linux
LXDE is a desktop environment light and functional great for both personal computer or older new generation. Many user using Arch Linux (or a derivative) with LXDE to give new life to old pc netbook or older, in order to have a stable distribution, up to date with your favorite applications. It can happen to encounter several problems post-install Arch Linux with LXDE, our reader Henry D. sent us an interesting guide with which to solve them better without having to consult the official Wiki or perform several searches on the web.

Here's how to solve some problems that we can find after installing LXDE in Arch Linux:

1) fixare error "XYZ files can not be moved to trash can Because the underlying file systems do not support this operation. Do you want to delete them instead?" and automounting.

To solve this problem just install polkit-gnome and gvfs by typing:

yaourt-S polkit-gnome gvfs

and confirm the installation.
After installation is complete we will have to edit .xninitrc typing

sudo nano ~ / xinitrc

and add:

dbus-launch pcmanfm

at the end of the file and save it with (ctrl + x and then s) and run from terminal

sudo rm-R .local / share / Trash

restart the session.

2) Make a screenshot / keybinding:

- Install scrot typing:

yaourt-S scrot

- Edit lxde-rc.xml by typing in a terminal:

sudo nano ~ / .config / openbox / lxde-rc.xml

- And add to create keyboard shortcuts

<keybind key = "Print">
name = "Execute">
</ action>

Saving all with Ctrl - x, then s
This will allow us to make a screenshot by pressing the print thus avoiding the use of terminal

3) Compton + LXDE to add effects and transparencies

Compton install it by typing:

yaourt-S git-compton

- Once installed we will start automatically when you start Compton typing in a terminal:

/usr/share/applications/compton.desktop sudo cp / etc / xdg / autostart

- And type:


wget https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/209784349/lffl/compton.conf
mv compton.conf .compton.conf

4) Install cursor Xcursor-archcursorblue (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/xcursor-archcursorblue/)

The guide is an example to show how to install a cursor systemwide

just type in a terminal:

yaourt-S Xcursor archcursorblue
that can be set via lxappearance.

- - To set it systemwide (for eg. Chrome is used on Adwaita although this baffles and annoys) just modify index.theme in / usr / share / icons / default just type in a terminal:

sudo nano /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme
- Modify:

[Icon Theme]
Inehrits = Adwaita


[Icon Theme]
Inehrits = archcursorblue

and save everything with Ctrl + x and then s

5) Archey, customize terminal.

Archey install by typing in a terminal:

yaourt-S Archey
- Edit the bashrc in the home
sudo nano ~ / xinitrc
- And add Archey in the bottom of the file-Customize logo
sudo nano / bin / Archey
and search
logosDict = {'Arch Linux':

you will find the logo and you can customize it as you see fit.
For example. the logo that you see in the screenshot is done this way:

Arch Linux logo terminal

6) Home desktop

Create a file calling Home.desktop with the following content

[Desktop Entry]
Type = Application
Exec = pcmanfm
Icon = user-home
Terminal = false
StartupNotify = true
MimeType = x-directory / normal; inode / directory;
Name = path of our home
That's all, I thank our reader / friend Henry D. creator of the guide