McAfee reveals consumer outlook on future lifestyle, digital revolution


McAfee reveals consumer outlook on future lifestyle, digital revolution McAfee, part of Intel Security has released the findings of its Safeguarding the Future of Digital India in 2025 which examines India’s thoughts and attitudes towards lifestyle and technology trends a decade from now. The study provides insight into how Indians believe technology will impact their homes, workplace, cars, wearables, mobile devices and the intersection of these technologies with online security and privacy. One of the key revelations of the study was how truly high-tech Indians believe their environment will be in 2025. 92% envision artificial intelligence and robotics helping them in their jobs. 87% believe the refrigerator will automatically add to the grocery list when items are running low and 90% are keen on a wearable device that let you scan the barcode of a particular product (grocery or otherwise) and automatically add it to the shopping cart. 77% Indians also believe that, by 2025, they would have been to a house that speaks/ reads to them and 93% are convinced their home security systems will be connected to their mobile device. According to the survey, 90% of Indians are concerned about what the state of cybersecurity will be 11 years from now. This is not surprising given the near-daily reports about retail and financing institutions being hacked. With new innovations arising every day to make consumers’ lives increasingly connected, Indians may feel hesitant in sharing personal information or adopting these technologies in fear of becoming a victim of a cybercrime. 83% consumers do believe the Government will play a more active role in protecting businesses from cybersecurity in 11 years....See More