Monetizing Gaming Videos For Life Time Earning

twitch of game monetizing
                           If you are pro or game lover and like to earn some thing with your gaming skill then this post is dedicated specially for you. Here how to earn money with twitch , you can earn some real cash with your gaming skills by creating some awesome videos that every gamer loves. In this post am going to show how to earn some real cash by monetizing the videos of popular games , its similar to youtube , but specially made for gamers...

How to make money with twitch

                    Probably you would have heard about monetizing and its ad revenue , if not let me explain the process .. Monetizing technique is nothing but allow the user to stream your video or article and making them to check the ads in between,. When ever user goes through ads from your video it make you some real cash and this been followed in youtube and twitch.
  • Create new account on twitch
  • Start a new channel with attracting background and start uploading the viral videos 
  • Once every thing is set do sharing your channel with other gaming community in social networking sites, which help you to get popular in short time..
  • Once we get stable views of more than 500 its time to become a partner.

  Why you need to become a partner ?

      Because the partnership  with twitch is the only way to earn money from your channel , if we have more than 10000 views/week also we can earn anything without a partnership.. Once we are accepted into partner we have option of SUBSCRIBE button and COMMERCIALS ads , which make us to earn 50% from the total profit..  

Minimum requirement to become a twitch partner 

  • Average concurrent viewership of 500+ (not just a one-time peak)
  • Regular broadcast schedule of at least 3 times a week 
First importance is give to unique videos 

If you are new user and have videos in youtube you can still apply for partnership and should qualify the minimum requirements 
  • Average views per video: 15,000+
  • Subscribers: 100,000+

Earn From Subscribers 

                 You are allowed to place the subscribe button once , accepted as a partner of twitch.., Their subscription rate is 4.9$/Month and in that 50% 2.49 will be give to you..This is one of stable way to earn money from your subscribe list and also note , you are allowed to place the subscribe button until or unless you are not loosing your viewers...
twitch subscription

Commercial Ads 

      Their is another benefit of becoming partner will allow you to display the advertisements/commercial ads in your streaming videos , once the user goes through ads you are promised to pay 50% from the revenue...