Netrunner Rolling 2014.09 available for download

Netrunner Rolling 2014.09 available for download

The developer Manjaro Netrunner and Linux have announced the release of new version of Rolling 2014.09, news and how to download it.

Netrunner Rolling
Blue System developers have decided to focus on Manjaro Linux for the development of the new version of "Rolling Release". The idea is to provide users with a stable version based on Kubuntu and a constantly updated (Rolling) based on Linux Manjaro integrated with various customizations included in the official version.
A few months after presentation, the developers have released the new Blue System Netrunner Rolling 2014.09 version that brings many updates and especially several bug fixes that go to make the operating system more stable and secure. Based on Manjaro 0.8.10 (update-pack 10), Netrunner Rolling 2014.09 includes repositories manteniti team from Blue System that allow you to release constant updates dedicated to the default theme, various customizations etc..

Among the many upgrades introduced in 2014.09 Netrunner Rolling find the desktop environment KDE updated to version 4.14 with stable includes default Marble, Cheese, also debuting new wallpapers and a new theme of the mouse cursor.

Also note the integration of default Veromix, plasma widget that allows us to better manage our sound system with the ability to operate directly in the various media players such as SoundMenu of Ubuntu.
Netrunner Rolling 2014.09 also updates the Linux kernel to version 14.3.18, Firefox 32, Thunderbird 31.1.1, Skype 4.3, LibreOffice 4.2.6 and so on.

For more information on Netrunner Rolling 2014.09 please consult the official announcement from the blog Manjaro Linux.

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