NVIDIA to Release Overclocking Tools for Linux Gamers

NVIDIA is considering the development and launch of specific gaming tools for the Linux fans, which should bring platforms at the same level with Windows.

NVIDIA is providing much better drivers for the Linux platform, especially now that Steam has been launched and a lot of games have started to make an appearance.

The one thing that's missing from Linux is some control over the video graphics card, like overclocking. According to a phoronix.com report, this is about to change.

“Unfortunately, I can’t comment on unannounced features. However, I can tell you that we’re definitely taking Linux gaming serious so we’ll be arming gamers with the tools they need to get the best gaming experience possible. Stay tuned! ;),” said NVIDIA's Sean Pelletier.

This is extremely good news for the gamers who like to make the best of their hardware and for the platform in general, which will get more control over the functionality of the graphics card.