[NvPY] Simplenote App for Linux Ubuntu / Mint And Debian

[NvPY] Simplenote App for Linux Ubuntu / Mint And Debian

nvpy is a simplenote-syncing note-taking tool inspired by Notational Velocity (and a little bit by nvALT too) on OSX and ResophNotes on Windows. It is significantly uglier, but it is cross-platform. Yes, you heard right, you can run this on Linux (tested), Windows (tested) and OS X (lightly tested).

Sync Baby, Sync

When running, nvPY will automatically and continuously save and sync new notes and edits both on your disk and to the cloud. You don’t have to do anything besides write! 
Other features include:
  • Supports Simplenote tags & pins
  • Partial sync whilst notes are being edited
  • Search box for realtime searching of all your notes
  • Markdown rendering
  • Automatic hyperlink highlighting in text widget

Installation [NvPY] Simplenote App

nvPY works best on Python 2.7.x. It does not work on Python 3.x yet.

To install the latest development version from github, do:
pip install 'git+https://github.com/cpbotha/nvpy.git#egg=nvpy'
OR, to install the version currently on pypi, do:
pip install nvpy
If already have nvpy installed, but you want to upgrade, try the following:
sudo pip uninstall nvpy
sudo pip install --upgrade --ignore-installed --no-deps nvpy
OR, you can of course use easy_install instead:
easy_install nvpy
github always has the latest development version, whereas I upload tagged snapshots (v0.9 for example) to pypi.

Download NvPY Deb File