Opera 25 Beta Available for Linux

Opera 25 Beta Available for Linux

Opera 25 available for Linux the new beta of the future stable version number of Opera 25, the news and how to install it.

Opera 25 Beta in Ubuntu

Opera Software has decided to make major changes to their own browser based on Chrome, providing a version dedicated to the development called Developer available for Linux, Windows and Mac. Due to the excellent work done in Opera Developer, there is the Beta version of the future 25, which includes important new owner who participate with the browser as one of the best available for Linux. Based on the source code of Chromium. Opera 25 Beta includes a new bookmark manager PDF reader and an excellent addition to an excellent integration with the main desktop environments (for example, we find support for Ubuntu AppMenu).

With the new Opera 25 Beta there is a new Speed ​​Dial revisited to better access to favorite websites, or most visited also debuted the new manager of the notifications (for now only available in a version for Windows and Mac).
The Opera developers have also introduced support for playback of multimedia files H.264 and MP3, for Linux, however, requires FFMpeg installed in version 2.3 or later (to install it in Ubuntu just follow this our guide).
For more information on Opera 25 Beta please consult the release notes available on this page.

Install Opera 25 Beta

Opera 25 Beta is available for Linux, Windows and Mac by downloading the deb / rpm or installer from this page.
We can also follow the development of Opera through version under development called Developer which can be downloaded from this page.

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