Playbar the SoundMenu in KDE

Playbar the SoundMenu in KDE

We present playbars, plasma widget that allows us to operate in the media player from the KDE panel.

Playbar in KDE
Among the many features included in Unity are also SoundMenu, applet with which we can adjust the volume of our pc as well as be able to work on our player with support for Mpris2, functionality that we have in KDE plasmoid thanks to Playbar.
Playbars is a plasma widget open source able to provide a complete client Mpris2 with which operate in our multimedia player directly from the panel. Through Playbar we have included in the panel buttons to pause or stop the track or go to previous or next track, with a click on the applet will have a window with various information indicated in addition to the cover of the song being played.

From the window of Playbar will also find a progress bar, radio buttons to operate the player and the volume. The preferences of KDE Playbar will also find the opportunity to have a minimal window (image below) that does not include the progress bar, we can also view the notifications of the player, make opaque buttons in the panel when there is no active player and more .

Playbar is a project still under development which is already very stable and functional, tested with Clementine, Amarok, and VLC and it works without problems.

Playbar is a plasmoid open source currently available for Arch Linux via AUR.

To install Playbar in Kubuntu, Debian and Linux Mint KDE, we compiled the software to do this just download it from this page, once you extract the files in the folder and click enter to Dolphin F4 to start the terminal and type:

sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake automoc kdelibs5-dev
mkdir build && cd build
sudo make install 
Once installed Playbar just go to Add Items and enter the plasmoid Playbar in our panel.