The development JustBrowsing

The development JustBrowsing

Continue the development of JustBrowsing interesting distribution based on Arch Linux only browser that can be used exclusively to live.

JustBrowsing is a distribution dedicated primarily for use by live, in kiosks, hotels, etc. are able to offer you not only access to the Internet but also to ensure their privacy. Based on Arch Linux, JustBrowsing is based on i3 window manager (for more information) panel adeskbar thus making the operating system very fast and lightweight, so you can use both new and older personal computer
It is issued in two variants, which differ primarily by the browser that can be used Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, versions up to date with the many included bookmarks for quick access to popular sites such as Wikipedia, Google, Yahoo !, YouYube etc., as well as a variety of add -on / extensions some of which make for safer navigation through access in anonymity and so on. The browser also have the Flash Plugin, Java and multimedia codecs to ensure support for the majority of websites.

From the panel JustBrowsing can also operate in the system, the connection management, volume, etc. in addition to being able to access some web applications dedicated in HTML5 as a notepad, calculator, stopwatch and countdown application and know our wages earned after every few minutes, hours, etc..

All applications are completely open source including JustBrowsing Config, useful tool that allows us to easily configure the distribution, resolution, language, keyboard, setting the gpu and whether or not to remove the profiles of the browser every time you start over in order to activate the mode "kiosk" or information kiosk.

The development of JustBrowsing has made the distribution more complete and reliable, also note the new lock screen and the GRUB bootloader revisited with which we can already start deploying in our preferred language, is also available JustBrowsing Dev Edition, with the OpenSSH server preinstalled to enable us to operate remotely in the operating system and JustBrowsing Community Edition dedicated to the user and companies that want to include various customizations.

In addition to ISO, JustBrowsing is also released with ova file to start / use the distribution in Oracle Virtualbox.

The web applications JustBrowsing can be installed in other Linux distributions downloading from source, for Arch Linux are available via AUR.

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