The success of openSUSE Factory

The success of openSUSE Factory

A month after the debut of openSUSE Factory, a version that makes the distribution a Rolling Release, there are many users who have decided to install it.

There are many users love to always have updated the desktop environment, Kernel and applications, are well aware of openSUSE developers who have decided to provide this functionality thanks to its Factory.
openSUSE Factory is a version of the popular Linux distribution, which allows us to always have updated the desktop environment, applications, kernel, and so the latest stable version available which is having a remarkable success. According to statistics recently released by the developer openSUSE in a few months almost tripled users who have decided to install the Rolling Release / Factory in their pc.

According to data provided by the openSUSE developer, user using Factory have passed from 1952 June to 5969 at the end of August, should also be noted that the user using the stable version + Tumbleweed repository were good or bad the same with 5471 installations in June 5637 and the end of August.

The version of the Rolling Release / openSUSE Factory seems to have shown a significant interest in this popular Linux distribution, a solution that could soon arrive in other Linux distributions.
I also remember that once installed openSUSE Factory we will not have to upgrade to a later release every few months or years, a feature much appreciated by users.

For more information and to download openSUSE Factory advice see our dedicated article.