Those European Courts: a Venn diagram
Last month, "Court in the act: how many European Courts are there?"here, this Kat bemoaned the confusion caused by there being so many courts that have the word "European" in them. He has since discovered that, in this anxiety, he is not alone. From the website of one of our readers, fellow blogger Kuan0 (self-described as "half lawyer, half geek, mainly harmless") comes some visual help on a grand scale in her post "Europe, EU, EEA, EFTA, Council of Europe, Convention 108 - which countries are in which? - Venn diagram (as at 1 September 2013)".
The IPKat is happy to share Kuan0's handiwork with you. It displays the overlap (or absence of overlap) of these noble institutions like this:
If you click through to here, you will find the keys and explanations that make it all so sensible. Well done, Kuan0, and thanks!
The IPKat is happy to share Kuan0's handiwork with you. It displays the overlap (or absence of overlap) of these noble institutions like this:
If you click through to here, you will find the keys and explanations that make it all so sensible. Well done, Kuan0, and thanks!