tinfoleak - Information gathering Over Twitter

Information gathering, the first and the most important step of penetration testing/ ethical hacking; the more you know about your target, more the chances of success you have. Social media specially Facebook and Twitter have loads on information about any person or business, and hackers also using these platform to get the information of the target; whatever the purpose is, you need information or simply you need to get information by using intelligence gathering techniques. There are many services and products are available in the market, but what if I tell you that there are many OSINT (open source intelligence tools) are available for free of cost, tinfoleak is one of them.

tinfoleak can gather information of any Twitter account, it is a simple Python script that allow to obtain:
  • basic information about a Twitter user (name, picture, location, followers, etc.)
  • devices and operating systems used by the Twitter user
  • applications and social networks used by the Twitter user
  • place and geolocation coordinates to generate a tracking map of locations visited
  • show user tweets in Google Earth!
  • download all pics from a Twitter user
  • hashtags used by the Twitter user and when are used (date and time)
  • user mentions by the the Twitter user and when are occurred (date and time)
  • topics used by the Twitter user

You can filter all the information by:
  • start date / time
  • end date / time
  • keywords
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