Upgrade our distribution in Ubuntu 10.14 Utopic Unicorn

Upgrade our distribution in Ubuntu 10.14 Utopic Unicorn

In this simple guide we will see how easily update Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or Ubuntu Precise 14.04 LTS Ubuntu 10.14 Trusty Utopic Unicorn, here's how ...

Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn

In recent years, Canonical has not only introduced many new features in Ubuntu but has also revised support for their release. In fact, Ubuntu is released in an LTS version every two years (the current version is 4.14 LTS Trusty), supported distribution for 5 years, while the various intermediaries are supported only 9 months. For users using a version intermediary such as Ubuntu 10.13, 13.04, 12.10, etc. you can upgrade to the current LTS distribution or in the new version which is the intermediary 14:10 Utopic directly from the update manager. Update Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty or an earlier version (or a derivative) in Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn is quite simple and (in theory) should not lead to major problems, it is recommended to back up your favorite files before proceeding with the upgrade.

Before proceeding with the upgrade it is important to make a backup of our data, to do so we can use a pendrive, external hard drive or stored on a web space offered by cloud storage services. We can also backup the entire operating system using such TimeShift or Systemback.

To update our distribution in Ubuntu 10.14 Utopic Unicorn we'll first have to install any updates to all of this just type:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

once updated we will have to restart the deployment.
When you restart click on ALT + F2 and type:

update-manager -d
and press Enter (or just click on the Unity correlated).

 This will open the Update Manager which, after a scan of the system, we ask you to upgrade to Ubuntu 10.14 Utopic Unicorn, we just have to wait and confirm the update is complete.

Once you have installed the update just restart and that's Ubuntu 10.14 Utopic Unicorn.