Xcode By Apple for Mac X

Xcode provides everything developers need to create great applications for Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Xcode brings user interface design, coding, testing, and debugging all into a unified workflow. The Xcode IDE combined with the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks, and the Swift programming language make developing apps easier and more fun than ever before.

Xcode includes the Xcode IDE, Swift and Objective-C compilers, Instruments analysis tool, iOS Simulator, the latest OS X and iOS SDKs, and hundreds of powerful features:

Innovative tools help you create great apps
• Swift is a revolutionary new programming language that is safe, fast, and modern
• Playgrounds are a fun place to experiment with Swift code, displaying instant results
• Interface Builder is a graphical UI design canvas with a live preview of your app
• View debugging shows a 3D stack of all your app's UI view layers at runtime
• Assistant editors show content related to your primary task
• Live Issues display errors as you type, and Fix-it can correct the mistakes for you

Interface Builder makes it easy to design your interface without code
• Storyboards let you arrange the complete flow of screens within your app
• See your custom controls rendered live within the design canvas
• Preview your interface in different screen sizes, orientations, or languages
• Create connections from your GUI design directly to the related source code

Professional editor and debugger keep your code front and center
• Hit a few keys and Open Quickly will instantly open any file within your project
• Message bubbles show errors, warnings, and other issues right beside your code
• Data tips show a variable's value by hovering your mouse over the code
• Quick Look variables while debugging to see the actual color, bezier path, image, and more

Apple LLVM technology finds and fixes bugs for you
• Analyzer travels countless code paths looking for logical errors before they become bugs
• Live Issues underlines coding mistakes as you type with no need to build first
• Fix-it can confidently correct mistakes for you with just a keystroke

Test driven development is built right in
• Use the Test Navigator to add, edit, or run tests with just a click
• Test Assistant makes it easy to edit your code and related tests, side-by-side
• Create continuous integration bots using OS X Server to automatically build and test your apps
• Monitor performance test data using OS X Server to immediately spot regressions

To test or deploy applications on an iOS device you must be a member of Apple's iOS Developer Program. To submit your Mac or iOS apps to the App Store you must be a member of the Mac or iOS Developer Program. Continuous integration features require OS X Server 3.2 on Mavericks. Some features may require Internet access.

View Debugging

Debugging an app’s UI is now as simple as a single click to explode the paused app’s UI into a 3D rendering of each layer in the stack of views. Easily see why a view may be clipped or invisible, and inspect and debug constraints and other properties within the inspector. To fix the problem, select a view to quickly jump to its related code.
Xcode 6 includes other new debugging tools, such as debug gauges to monitor I/O usage and an enhanced iCloud gauge. The debug navigator shows even more useful information, including recorded stack frames and enqueued blocks.

More Features

Storyboards for OS X

Storyboards come to OS X, taking advantage of the new View Controller APIs in AppKit. Quickly wire together multiple views, defining containment and animations without writing code. Storyboards for OS X encourage interfaces that follow Mac standards, so your apps behave the way users expect.

Extensions and Frameworks

iOS developers can now create dynamic frameworks, just like on OS X. Frameworks are a collection of code and resources to encapsulate functionality that is valuable across multiple projects. Frameworks work perfectly with Extensions, sharing logic that can be used by the main app and the bundled Extensions.

Game Building

Xcode includes a SpriteKit level designer, SceneKit Support, and support for new features in the particle editor. It’s never been easier to create great games for both iOS and OS X.


Localization in Xcode 6 has been thoroughly upgraded. Base .strings files are now produced automatically from your code. View how your app looks in different languages with the Preview Assistant or launch your app in the iOS Simulator as though in other locales. When you’re ready, Xcode easily exports and imports industry-standard .XLIFF format.

Xcode Server

Bots running on OS X Server support triggers that run custom scripts based on rules, more options are available for setting the interval to run an integration, and bots can be grouped to share configurations. iOS Simulator configurations make it easy to create unique testing scenarios, especially when run by Xcode Server.