GNOME 3.15.1 is a very interesting release

GNOME 3.15.1 is a very interesting release

GNOME 3.15.1 is a very interesting release

GNOME 3 is an easy and elegant way to use your computer. It is designed to put you in control and bring freedom to everybody. GNOME 3 is developed by the GNOME community, a diverse, international group of contributors that is supported by an independent, non-profit foundation.

As usual, the first few versions in a new GNOME iteration are full of fun stuff and new features. Developers add all sorts of functionalities and the same has happened now, with 3.15.1. For example, the GNOME Shell package now has summarized queued up notifications and uses GResources for theme loading, GNOME Online Accounts features support for locked accounts, and GTK+ has initial support for the Mir display server that's being built by Canonical.

"This release is a snapshot of early development code. Although it is buildable and usable, it is primarily intended for testing and hacking purposes. GNOME uses odd minor version numbers to indicate development status," says Matthias Clasen in the official announcement.

GNOME 3.15.4 updates the following core apps: adwaita-icon-theme, at-spi2-core, atk, glib, GNOME Calculator, GNOME Desktop, GNOME Online Accounts, GNOME Shell, GNOME System Monitor, GTK+, gtksourceview, gvfs, libmediaart, Mutter, and Tracker.

Some of the integrated applications have also been updated, such as bijiben, Cheese, File Roller, Four in a Row, GNOME Boxes, GNOME Documents, GNOME Logs, GNOME Mines, GNOME Sudoku, Hotori, Iagnom, and swell-foop.

The release notes that describe the changes between 3.14.1 and 3.15.1
are available. Go read them to learn what's new in this release:

core -
apps -

The GNOME 3.15.1 release is available here:

core sources -
apps sources -