How to Hack A Targeted Server Or A Website

Hello Readers! Today I am going to teach you how you guys can target a server and find a vulnerability and hack into..  
How to Hack A Targeted Server Or A Website or How to Inject Shell in a Targeted Serveror A website or How to Target a Website Or Server...This is not much easy but I will try to explain...

Follow the Instructions:-

1). Get I.P. Address

First step is to get a I.P. address of a Website or a Server which you wanna hack. So for this we have to ping our target. To do this..
  • Go to start
  • Open CMD
  • and type :-

So, now you have Ip Address of your Target..

See the following Image as an Example :-

2). Search for Websites hosted on Targeted Server.

Now our second Step is to search for vulnerabilities in your targeted server or a website..So for this you have to do is:-
ip:[targets I.P server]

Example:- ip:

Now by doing this will Display all the websites hosted on your targeted server..

3). Search for vulnerabilities..

Now third step is to search for vulnerabilities..So for this you can use normal dorks such as .php?id= for SQL Injection Vulnerable websites or you can also try any other exploit. Example:-
ip: .php?id=

Now try to find a injectable hole or vulnerability in And hack into the Server or A website. That's it :)

You can do the same if you have other bugs for joomla and other scripts. This method might be old, but its still works as gold. I hope it helps..
