How To use AOL Desktop Software as VPN (free US proxy)

In this tutorial, i will show you how to use AOL Desktop Software (version 9.1) as a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

First download AOL Desktop 9.1. Search on Google to download.

Register new email on

After download, install AOL Desktop 9.1.

Let me check my IP address first. I have Indonesian IP address.

Open AOL 9.1 and click Connect Options

Then click Advanced Broadband Settings

Click Continue

AOL Setup will be pop up, then choose Broadband tab and click Add a Broadband Profile

Fill the Profile Name for example aolvpn or whatever you like and click Add

On Connection Type choose Home Network and click Save

If AOL Desktop ask for username and password, fill it with the one that you created before.
On Connection choose Profile Name that you created. In this case my Profile Name is aolvpn.

Logging in to AOL...

Successfully connected to AOL

Check my IP address again.. It's changed now! yeey..

Well thats all.. :)
Let me know if you guys having trouble with this.. Save browsing folks!