Pakistani hackers demand freedom of kashmir

Recently we talked to some Pakistani hackers namely "PAKISTAN HAXORS CREW" formed in 2012 and are mostly famous for attacking into Indian cyberspace.After talking to MEET HACKERS, they said Indian government is brutally killing innocent people in Kashmir, so it is our duty to protect them and free them from India, excluding this they said
"Pakistan is Our Heart, and if someone treats us bad we have also rights to answer to them"
As the meet hackers questioned about "NARENDRA MODI"
In a reply from Pakistan haxors crew said “He is new president that’s why it will take time to know who is “PAKISTAN”

On more talking to them they said
"We demand freedom Kashmirwe demand freedom of Gaza" and
We don’t support any terrorism organization nor do we support Isis"
After threats given by Pakistani government they didn’t stop hacking into Indian cyberspace,
NOW after next questioned asked by Meet hackers “why Pakistani hackers usually  hacked into Indian cyberspace”
In a reply they said
"Some time we want to payback of their govt. Works
We fight for Muslim rights
As Indian Govt.  is cruel to Kashmir so it is our duty to give them message that their Muslim Brothers Are here."

Here is the full link of whole interview with Pakistani hackers

meet hackers