PHP Basics #1 : Introduction to PHP

Introduction To PHP

What is PHP ?
PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML

What can PHP do ?

PHP is most commonly used as a Server-Side Scripting Language but it is not only bounded to it. PHP can also be used to write small desktop programs it is not that popular to creating desktop apps but still you can create small application which can help you in small tasks.

Why use PHP ?

1.) Works Great with HTML - If you already have a website and are familiar with HTML, making the step to PHP is easy. If fact, PHP and HTML are interchangeable within the page! While PHP might add some new features to your site, its basic appearance is still all created with HTML

2.) Interactive Features - PHP allows you to interact with your visitors in ways HTML alone can't. This can mean simple things like e-mail forms, or more elaborate things like shopping carts that save your past orders and recommend similar products. It can also mean social things like interactive forums and private messaging systems

3.) Easy to Learn - PHP is a lot easier to get started with than you might think. By learning just a few simple functions, you are able to do a lot of things with your website. And once you know the basics, there are a wealth of scripts available on the internet that you only need to tweak a little to fit your needs.

On the next post we will discuss about the Basic Syntax and how to write PHP codes on a html file..