Unmasking or De-Anonymizing You

The world is full of deception; I, you and everyone has deceived someone, somewhere at any point of life, this is strange but a truth and we have to accept it (but nobody gonna accept it at any cost). You are reading this story on a website created for infosec professional and students so I bet you that sometimes you want to hide your identity while browsing internet; in fact, everyone need to hide their identity for some reason, the bad, the ugly and the good. Whatever the reason is, what if I tell you that "it is possible to de-anonymize you" the process and strategy is know as "unmasking".

You should not take it personally; imagine a reverse case, you are unmasking someone else for the good cause and you will become the hero. So the technique is nothing but a technique and the usage is determine the destiny.

Unmasking is the process to remove mask from the face and to reveal the real identity; at defcon17, Robert “RSnake” Hansen & Joshua “Jabra” Abraham have discussed the concept with demonstration and we bring both for you to understand it.
