Apple iPhone 6 Plus Review

In 2007, Apple introduced the iPhone as a one-size-fits-all device. "You can't get your hand around it", "no one's going to buy that." said Steve Jobs, when asked about big screen phones like the 5" Galaxy Note. This was 2010, after a controversial launch of the 3.5" iPhone 4. Two years later, a 4" iPhone 5 happened, and Tim Cook said "It also provides a larger screen without sacrificing one-handed use.". People had already wanted a bigger iPhone by then. Even the generally awesome Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak got frustrated and said "Part of me wishes that Apple had not been so, kind of, arrogant and feeling we’re the only one with the right clue. I wish they had made a small and a large version of the iPhone; that would have been great for me." That was the old Apple. The new Apple heeded to public demand and released the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus a while back. There are now two kinds of iPhones, not one, and in this review, we are going to focus on the "phablet" from Apple, the 5.5" iPhone 6 Plus. Note: The review will focus solely on the 6 Plus, in assumption that ...

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