China 2020 will only use Linux

China 2020 will only use Linux

China 2020 will only use Linux

Citing local media, WantChinaTimes reveals that a plan proposed by Ni Guangnan, a researcher from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, has already been approved, and the country now wants to gradually replace Windows computers with a locally developed operating system based on Linux.
The Chinese Government has planned to migrate their systems towards the free operating system, an operation which should be completed by 2020.

Windows 8 already banned in China

Windows 8 was already banned by China in May this year, amid security concerns that Microsoft might be using the operating system to spy on government computers and provide the United States authorities with Chinese state secrets.

Microsoft itself explained that it was very surprised at the decision, but since then no other decision has been made to reverse the ban, so the modern operating system is still unavailable on Chinese government computers.

Interestingly, Microsoft tried to co-operate with local authorities to address the claims, but instead of making Windows 8 available again, the company was pushed into an anti-trust investigation that’s still going on in the country.

Linux in China

China is trying to break away more and more by companies like Microsoft, Apple, etc. can seriously jeopardize the privacy of its citizens. After the stop of the Windows 8 operating system banned in government offices in China, and recommend Linux as an alternative to XP there's other important news from the Chinese government. Apparently the Chinese government has already planned the migration of all personal computers, servers, etc. from Windows to Linux, an operation which should be completed by 2020.

China 2020 will only use Linux

By 2020, all of the Chinese government systems will be based on Linux, although it is not clear what distribution is used (among the candidates there is the famous Kylin Ubuntu derivative Official specific users and Chinese companies).

Migration from Windows to Linux systems provide the most stable and above all safer, note also the excellent results he is getting Ubuntu Kylin, distribution pre-installed in many new personal computers sold in the Chinese market.

Congratulations to China ...