Google Is Working On Magnetic Nanoparticles To Search Human Body For Cancer Cell

Google Is Working On Magnetic Nanoparticles To Search Human Body For Cancer Cell, Heart disease and other diseases.

This project is run by Google X and development division. The nanoparticles spread through the bloodstream and send their result back to the sensor.
“Every test you ever go to the doctor for will be done through this system,” said Andrew Conrad, head of the Life Sciences team at the Google X research lab, who disclosed the project on Tuesday at The Wall Street Journal’s WSJD Live conference. “That is our dream.”
"This is still early-stage research, but we've done a number of promising experiments, so we're going to keep going," said Google.
If this experiment will get success then its help to cure the disease from the core. It also is working on a smart contact lens to measure glucose in the tears of diabetes patients.

Researchers have to identify coatings that will help the particles bind to specific cells. But how many nanoparticles would be needed for the system to work Google doesn't know yet.

Google is also working on wearable device for count the particles.

Source: WSJFirstPost

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