How MTailor is Replacing (CREATING?) Your Favorite Shirt

How MTailor is Replacing (CREATING?) Your Favorite Shirt.

Malls and outlets, once the exciting home of preteen adventures, now scream of overstimulate, bombarding the senses with music, advertisements, and the rabble who populate that high-class setting. lines and high prices only add to the burden. There has been little recourse for those who simply want to buy a shirt that fits well without the hassle of an off-the-rack purchased coupled with a trip to the tailor afterwards. 

Until now. MTailor, a smartphone app made for those who want to  to bypass the mall and its dreaded department stores without skimping on quality or fit. MTailor performs all the acts of the typical tailor, without leaving the palm of your hand.

If this just sounds like a fad, take a moment to think back to the early days of online shopping. While early critics derided the new medium, the unparalleled convenience, the accessibility, and the expanded options quickly made online shopping a permanent commercial fixture. Now, even on traditionally massive days like Black Friday, brick-and-mortar outlets often struggle against online giants like Amazon and eBay. The addition of digital options expands the marketplace, putting more tools in the hands of everyday consumers. And, by the basic laws of the free market, the resulting increase in competition means that lower prices and higher quality products become a reality for an expanding portion of the marketplace. Now, that digital marketplace is simply growing with the pace of technology, giving users more and more ways to save time and energy while receiving better and better products for the money. The MTailor app is so practical it sounds almost like science fiction, but it's actually quite simple.

The MTailor app is free on the App Store. To purchase a shirt, users download the app, then follow the instructions for a body scan. Using the advanced cameras that now come standard on smartphones and tablets, the MTailor app scans users' bodies to find the perfect fit for their size and body shape. The app takes surprisingly good measurements, nearly identical with those of a well-trained, professional tailor. After choosing from a variety of styles and fabric choices, the user completes their order, waits a few weeks, and gets a fitted shirt in the mail. Initial reports are extremely positive, as many men have come away from the experience more satisfied than after purchasing a shirt from a traditional source. Another bonus: the price is low, lower than a shirt of comparable quality from a physical  brick-and-mortar  store.

For many, this experience initially sounds like a novelty, almost a gag gift idea. However, as testimonials have begun to show, the app is rapidly gaining fans. Based upon its popularity and success thus far, it’s hard to imagine that this new development will be just a  fad. Based on early reviews, it isn't hard to imagine the spread of this technology into other clothing departments, so that within the decade, people of all shapes and sizes can find a comfortable and flattering fit without leaving their homes.

About The Author:

This article is written by By Daniel Ors. He is working with Fueled