Mobile Phone Security Tips

1. Encrypt your phone and/or SD card 

2. Use Remote Location/Recovery/Wipe Service like Lookout

3. Use AV/Anti-Maleware such as Malewarebytes

4. ONLY install apps you know come from a trusted source.

5. Understand apps communication and system needs

6. Password/PIN protect the phone upon screen lock, time out, or boot

7. DO NOT operate any DEVELOPER MODES unless you know what the heck you are doing.

8. Backup your files regularly - Best option (most safe/secret is manually) but you can also use a trusted service. 

9. Turn OFF and remove battery when you do not need it in service.

10. Turn OFF data service when you don't need it. 

11. Use a FARADAY mobile case holder. 

12. Turn OFF NFC if not needed. 

13. Turn OFF Bluetooth if not needed. 

14. Do not use wireless tethering or internet sharing if not needed. 

15.NEVER plug into an untrusted source/computer. 

16. Use your OWN charger. 

17. Set system to WIPE after X number of unsuccessful login/screen unlock attempts.

18. Update your downloaded APPS and OS frequently and only from a trusted source. 

19. Do NOT automatically connect to wireless unless it is a trusted source.