Multiple Advisories: firefox, seamonkey, php, and mariadb

Multiple advisories has been released for Slackware 14.0 and 14.1 (and of course -current) branches. Most of them are Mozilla-based products, such as Firefox and Seamonkey and the rest are php and mariadb.

Firefox has been upgraded to the next ESR (Extended Support Release), which is based on Firefox 31 branch. This is expected as some big companies (namely Google) has dropped support for older ESR version, forcing users to upgrade to the latest version or latest ESR version, which is what Slackware users get (ESR in -stable and latest version in -current branch).

Slackware 14.0 users who uses Seamonkey still gets an update on this release to 2.30, which is basically the latest version of seamonkey available right now. The same thing happened on php update, which is backported to Slackware 14.0 as well. They will all get PHP 5.4.34.

As of MariaDB, the update was only backported to Slackware 14.1, since Slackware 14.0 still uses MySQL and there's no more updates on the version included in Slackware 14.0 by Oracle.