New version of PC-BSD available.

PC-BSD 10.1 was released.

"The PC-BSD team is pleased to announce the availability of PC-BSD 10.1. Highlights: KDE 4.14.2, GNOME 3.12.2, Cinnamon 2.2.16, Chromium 38.0.2125.104, Firefox 33.1, NVIDIA Driver 340.24, Lumina desktop 0.7.1-beta, pkg 1.3.8; new AppCafe HTML5 web/remote interface for both desktop and server usage; new CD-sized text-installer ISO files for TrueOS and server deployments; new Centos 6.6 Linux emulation base; new HostAP mode for WiFi GUI utilities; UEFI support for boot and installation; automatic tuning of ZFS memory usage at install time; support for full-disk (GELI) encryption without an unencrypted /boot partition (also on mirror/raidz setups!); new VirtualBox, VMware and RAW disk images of desktop and server installations."

PC-BSD has as its goals to be an easy-to-install-and-use desktop operating system, based on FreeBSD. To accomplish this, it provides a graphical installation to enable even UNIX novices to easily install and get it running. It pre-configures KDE, video, sound, and networking so that the desktop can be used immediately. A graphical software installation program makes installing pre-built software, known as Push Button Installers (PBI), as easy as other popular operating systems.