Skrooge 1.10.0 released, Install In Linux Kubuntu (KDE Frameworks)

Skrooge 1.10.0 released, Install In Linux Kubuntu (KDE Frameworks)

Skrooge 1.10.0 released, Install In Linux Kubuntu (KDE Frameworks)

The Skrooge Team announces the release 1.10.0 version of its popular Personal Finances Manager based on KDE Frameworks. Some highlights include:
  • Several improvements on Microsoft Money files import
  • Deferred credit card management
  • Performance improvements
New features of Skrooge 1.10.0
  • add column "number of operations" to categories view
  • Defered credit card management
  • Capacity to apply a template on operations
  • Capacity to automatically apply a template on operations from "Search and Process"
  • Sort of table memorize the previous sort to be able to sort by column 1 and column 2
  • New advice to inform the user when the monetary decimal symbol is not defined in KDE localization settings
  • 2 options in graphs, one for limits visibility, one for average visibility
  • New advice to detect similar payees
  • New advice to detect similar categories
  • Add in documentation how to use kdewallet with weboob backend
  • Better performances in "Possible schedule"
  • Better performances in dashboard
For more information on the major Skrooge Changes in the upcoming version  1.10.0 please consult this page.

Installation Skrooge 1.10.0 on ubuntu
Ubuntu's policy is not to propose the latest software versions, but rather to focus on stability. For that reason, it is possible that the skrooge version available in official repositories is usually several versions behind the latest stable from developpers.

To install Skrooge on ubuntu from our PPA, you need to, Open a terminal and enter:

Stable For Precise, Quantal or Raring:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:s-mankowski/ppa
Beta (for testers only !) For  Precise, Quantal or Raring :
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:s-mankowski/beta
Finally, tell Ubuntu to re-load the details of each software archive it knows about:
sudo apt-get update
Install skrooge:
sudo apt-get install skrooge

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