Ubuntu Developer Tools Center 0.1 adds support for Eclipse

Ubuntu Developer Tools Center 0.1 adds support for Eclipse

With the new 0.1 version of Ubuntu Developer Tools Center it's support for easy installation of Eclipse and the Android ADT

Ubuntu Developer Tools Center 0.1 in Ubuntu
Ubuntu Developer Tools Center is an open source tool that allows you to easily install the main platforms for development in Ubuntu and derivatives. The idea of ​​the Ubuntu Developer Tools Center (UDTC) comes after many reports of developers and companies who have chosen Ubuntu as the operating system to work on their projects, enabling you to easily install Android Studio or other development platform with a simple command from the terminal. Just this week has landed version 0.1 of Ubuntu Developer Tools Center, update and fixes a few bugs including the ability to install both Eclipse as Android ADT.

Ubuntu Developer Tools Center 0.1 also automatically installs several tools such as Android adb and also includes the ability to remove even more development platforms with a command from the terminal.
The new version also includes support for many languages ​​(including Italian) by downloading and installing the development platform in the user's preferred language (if available).

To see all the new Ubuntu Developer Tools Center 0.1 just go to this page.

To Install Ubuntu Developer Tools Center 0.1 in Linux Ubuntu (12.04, 12.10, 13.04, 13.10, 14.0, 14.10), mint (14,15,16,17) and debian derivative system, open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:didrocks/ubuntu-developer-tools-center
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-developer-tools-center
Once installed Ubuntu Developer Tools Center can install:
Study Android and the Android SDK:

udtc android
udtc ide eclipse
Android ADT (with Eclipse):
udtc android eclipse-adt
To remove a development platform just add --remove command example to remove Study Android and Android SDK just type:

udtc android --remove
and confirm the removal.

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