YaRock 1.0.0 released, install in Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Arch Linux and Manjaro

YaRock 1.0.0 released, install in Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Arch Linux and Manjaro

YaRock 1.0.0 released, install in Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Arch Linux and Manjaro

YaRock is an open source piece of software that provides users with a complex, fully functional and advanced audio playback application inspired by the well known Amarok music player and organizer program for the KDE desktop environment.

Key features include a clean, beautiful and simple music collection database backed by SQLite3, ability to browse your local music collection based only on album art, ability to filter and share your music collection, and Last.fm scrobbler.

Chngelog : New in YaRock version 1.0.0
  • New : new clean and elegant design, new icon set, new app icon
  • New : add support for artists images (new view, download artists images)
  • New : save rating to file
  • New : add advanced library search
  • New : add album cover for playqueue widget
  • New : add stars rating for playqueue widget
  • New : add multiple tracks edition
  • Change : rewrite now playing widget
  • Change : improve browser view multiple selection with SHIFT key
  • Change : improve artist/album/track tags edition
  • Change : support more scalable ui items
  • Change : file dialog various improvements
For more information on the major Latest YaRock Changes in the upcoming version 1.0.0 please consult this page.

To Install YaRock 1.0.0 in Linux Ubuntu (13.04, 13.10, 14.0, 14.10, 15.04), mint (15,16,17) and ubuntu derivative system via PPA's, open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:samrog131/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install yarock
Optional, to remove yarock, open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:
sudo apt-get remove yarock
To install YaRock 1.0 on Arch Linux, Manjaro and Antergos systems, you need to update the repository index, install yaourt and install yarock, via the AUR repository:
sudo pacman -Sy yaourt
sudo yaourt yarock
Optional, to remove YaRock on Arch Linux, Manjaro and Antergos systems, open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:
sudo yaourt -Rsn yarock

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