Acer Switch 10 Tablet-Hybrid Review

As the tech industry moves to convergence with tablets arguably replacing laptops and hybrids replacing both of them, we’re seeing many new devices released that serve the purpose of acting as both your tablet and your laptop. Often all it takes is a keyboard cover like on the Surface Pro 3 but in the case of the Acer Switch 10, this is more than just a keyboard cover. Design The keyboard on the Acer Switch 10 serves as the dock for the tablet part of the hybrid and counts as one of the four positions you’re able to use the Switch 10 in. Aside from work mode (aka as a laptop), the other positions include sans keyboard (aka as a tablet), in presentation mode where you flip the tablet backwards so you can display information on the screen and the Tent mode which is useful when you have a lack of space and want to watch/share something on your display. As a Macbook Pro user, I’m used to carrying around a slightly heavy device but the Acer Switch 10 feels quite light. The actual weight is 589 grams for just the tablet and 1.17 kilograms including the keyboard; in comparison my Retina Macbook ...

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