Apple and Tim Cook “deeply offended” by BBC report

The BBC Panorama report into Apple's supply chain only aired last night but the company has been quick in its response. In an exclusive email leaked to the Telegraph, the company's CEO Tim Cook and Senior Vice President of Operation Jeff Williams have issues a response that says they are "deeply offended" by the BBC's allegations. In the email - which was sent to around 5,000 staff in the UK, William said both himself and Cook were "...deeply offended by the suggestion that Apple would break a promise to the workers in our supply chain or mislead our customers in any way. Panorama’s report implied that Apple isn't improving working conditions," he continued. "Let me tell you, nothing could be further from the truth." Williams went on to say that the company had shared various facts and perspective with the BBC in advance but they were "clearly missing from their programme". In the Panorama report, the BBC claimed that although Apple clearly outlining the standards it expects its supply chain to adhere to, the reality was that very little had changed and workers will still forced to work long hours (in some cases over 20 percent more than Apple's max guidelines). The report also ...

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