HOWTO : Sandboxing Firefox on Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

Step 1 :

Go to the Apple Apps Store to install the current version of XCode if you do not have it installed.

Step 2 :

Install Homebrew if you do not have it installed.

sudo ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

To test the install if it is success or not :

brew doctor

Step 3 :

Install git if you do not have it installed.

brew install git

Step 4 :

cd /Users/Shared/

sudo git clone

Step 5 :

cd /Applications/

sudo mv firefox-bin firefox-bin.real

sudo ln -sf /Users/Shared/macos-sandbox-profiles/bin/firefox-bin .

Step 6 :

Quit the Firefox if it is still running (not just close the browser) and then restart it.

That's all! See you.