Instagram for Android and iPhone updated with five new filters

Instagram for Android and iPhone have been updated with five new photo filters - Slumber, Crema, Ludwig, Aden and Perpetua. It got Mayfair and Willow filters back in December 2012, it took two years for the company to add more filters. The way the filters are displayed are updated to make it easier to choose between filters. When you are about to apply a filter, each filter icon on the bottom now displays a blurred preview of your photo with its effect applied. This lets you see at a glance how your photo will appear with each filter applied, says the company. There is a new manage button at the end of your filter tray so that you can re-arrange the order of filters and hide rarely used filters. You can just tap and hold to rearrange and hide filters on the filter screen. Tap the manage icon at the end of the row to add filters back. This is not currently available for video filters. These new features are available for Instagram v6.4.0 for iPhone and version 6.12.0 for Android from the respective app stores.

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