ZevenOS 6.0 'Goodbye Edition' is released, Linux distribution designed for computers with old hardware components

ZevenOS 6.0 'Goodbye Edition' is released, Linux distribution designed for computers with old hardware components

ZevenOS 6.0 'Goodbye Edition' is released, Linux distribution designed for computers with old hardware components

ZevenOS is a free and open-source operating system with a focus on providing users with a low on resources and easy-to-use distribution of Linux that features a BeOS-like graphical interface and support for old hardware components. It is derived from the world’s most popular free OS, Ubuntu.

What's New in This Release: 
  • Deskbar replaced by xfce4-panel ‘deskbar’ mode (old Deskbar still available via repository)
  • new Ubuntu 14.04 base
  • OpenShot 1.4.3 with Youtube Upload support and a lot more features
  • Abiword 3.0.0
  • Audacity 2.0.5
  • Claws-Mail 3.9.3
  • Firefox 34
  • Gimp 2.8.10
  • Inkscape 0.48.4
  • Thunar 1.6.3
  • Updated Icon and GTK-Theme
  • ZRAM enabled by default
  • Sysctl Tweaks for better responsiveness
  • Updated scripts to include btrfs-snapshot.sh script from Neptune
ZevenOS 6.0 'Goodbye Edition' is released, Linux distribution designed for computers with old hardware components

ZevenOS 6.0 'Goodbye Edition' is released, Linux distribution designed for computers with old hardware components

BeOS-like graphical desktop environment powered by Xfce

We hate to ruin the surprise, but the default desktop environment of ZevenOS is Xfce, which has been highly customized to look and act like a genuine BeOS interface.

It features no panels or docks, but only a system tray area that also acts as a task manager on the upper right side of the screen and a multifunctional right-click context menu from where the user can also navigate the main menu and launch applications.

Includes a great selection of open source applications

As expected, the distro includes only lightweight applications. Among some of the most important ones, we can mention Geany IDE, Shotwell image viewer and organizer, GIMP image editor, Claws Mail email client, Mozilla Firefox web browser, Pidgin multi-protocol instant messenger and DeaDBeeF audio player.

Additionally, the Liferea news reader, GNOME MPlayer video player, Transmission torrent downloader, AbiWord word processor, Gnumeric spreadsheet editor, Thunar file manager, Inkscape vector graphics editor, XChat IRC client, Brasero CD/DVD burning software, Audacity audio editor and Synaptic Package Manager are also installed.

Download ZevenOS 6.0 'Goodbye Edition'