17+ Best WhatsApp Tricks and Tips 2015 - Unknown & Amazing !!!

as we know in modern day whatsapp uses increase day by day becouse of its frequently mesage sending property.in this my post we collect much useful information about whatsapp.after using this amazing trick your behavior almost change .you become popular in your friends mind because you use lot of different from others.

so give attention to read carefully all tricks .

1. without mobile phone number ,you chat with friends using email id.


in todays WhatsApp is usefull  for you to have a mobile number in order to create an account 
WhatsApp for some reason if you do not intrested to use your persional phone number ,don't worry 
there is a solution for you. you can still use WhatsApp , send / receive messages from it.  
The way to do WhatsApp hack ?
here we give step by step guide to understand how to use email id instead of phone number.

 1.   first uninstall WhatsApp if already installed on your mobile phone.if you have important data then  You can save image files / video WhatsApp .

 2. after that 1st step Download and install new WhatsApp with new virsion on official website or google play store.

 3. after 2nd step Lock your messaging service simply by changing the flight mode.
 Now open WhatsApp and enter your number simply to it. So because of flight your mobile  will not 
be able to send the message to the whatsapp server thus you cant not verify your mobile number.

4. after 4th step you see as verification is still incomplete and messages are blocked , 
Whatsapp will ask you to choose an alternative methods to verify your identity .
simply  Choose ' Check through SMS ' and enter your valid email address . then Click  on'Submit' 
button and without waiting for a second, click " Cancel."
 This ends the authorization process .
Now, you are required to forge messages. Install the message Spoof text message for Andriod
 and Fake- a- Message for iPhone

Go to the Outbox -> Copy the message details Spoofer Application -> Send it to false verification.

7.Use these details in their false message : To:+447900347295 From: + (country code ) ( mobile number ) Message: Your e-mail address 

 8.  A message will be sent to that fake number and now you can use this number to connect with friends .

Also See how to run-whatsapp-on-computer-without blue stack or any other emulator

2. Turn Off Automatic Image Download WhatsApp

you neeed plus WhatsApp application to stop the automatic download of pictures, videos and audio 

files, but now in todays WhatsApp has added this option to your configuration. 

 Thus, you can simply control the file download automatic means.

 Simply you  go to Settings -> Chat Settings -> Technical self-discharge -> Check appropriate option

  "By using mobile data ',' When connected 'Wi-Fi' and 'roaming'.

That's it.
lets check another whatsapp trick i hope this is spacial for you.

3. WhatsApp Hide Last Seen For The WhatsApp

Timestamp feature of whatsapp gives  Last seen idea about when the person you want to chat was online or not .

 the main mistake in this program that is  it reveals whether you are online , and no.  

You can not hide from your friends and they'll keep talking to you.

So if you want to hide this " last seen in the" time stamp account then download WhatsApp 

application will not last seen. After installation , select the option to hide their " Last seen in the

time stamp .the main thing is you do not   REQUIRED ROOT

4 . Share ZIP, PDF, APK , EXE , RAR files via WhatsApp

as we know that WhatsApp is limited to send  audio, video and image sharing but instead of thease

 file  There is no option to share documents , archives and other files via WhatsApp . but don't 

worry we are here for what you will be able to share ZIP, RAR, APK , EXE , PDF, DOC , PPT , 

XLS, etc. with friends on WhatsApp .we give normal way to do it by Follow these steps:

1. first Install Dropbox and CloudSend App 

2. CloudSend Open. You will be asked to link with CloudSend Dropbox , allow .

 3.  Share Cloudsend needed file . The file to your Dropbox will automatically load and provide a link to that file

 4. Share this " link " to his friends on WhatsApp or any other courier.\
thats it your friends easily recieve these type of files  

5 . Run multiple Android WhatsApp Account

This is the most wanted WhatsApp trick as many users have supporting dual SIM in your smartphone 

and want to run WhatsApp account separate from both SIM card numbers on the same phones .


To do this, install SwitchMe App . The application lets you create separate profiles on your smart phone use , which can have different accounts , system settings, applications and data. After installation , open SwitchMe and create a new user profile. Shift for this user profile and can connect to your number of WhatsApp second SIM card.

6. Recover Deleted Messages WhatsApp

For our users whatsapp by  default saves all your conversations on SD card. Go to the WhatsApp SD >> card >> Database .  

Here msgstore.db.crypt contains all the message sent / received today and the files of this type in the 

format yyyy - MSGSTORE .. dd .. db.crypt contains all WhatsApp messages sent in the last seven days.

Simply open these files with a simple text editor , you can read / see all messages.

7. Change your friend's Profile Picture

here is tricks only for you not originaly You can do that .

To do this, follow these steps :  

1.  Download Image weird-looking/funny to allocate to your friend 's profile pic WhatsApp .
2.Change the size of 561 x 561 pixels and the name of the cell phone number of your friend using WhatsApp .

3. Save the image to the SD >> card WhatsApp >> Profile Pictures . Overwrite the existing file (if necessary ) .

 4. Now, you show your friend the pic your profile WhatsApp instant panic invite her face.

Note - Disable WiFi / data connection to WhatsApp not automatically update the pic .

8. WhatsApp Hide your profile image

Due to privacy concerns , or anything else , if you want to hide your profile picture WhatsApp and do not want to put any pic then WhatsApp Plus screen help you.There are many fakes available for WhatsApp Plus online to make sure you download this application from a trusted source.

Once installed , this application allows you to hide your profile WhatsApp images from other friends. And therefore , you can make an anonymous chat .

9. WhatsApp WhatsApp Tricks Theme : Change

Bored of the same theme WhatsApp ? Yes you can change the wallpaper , status , profile picture, but the issue remains the same. So , if you want a completely new interface for your then install WhatsApp WhatsApp PLUS Holo . WhatsApp Provides default theme " HOLO " but there are plenty of other ways to customize your interface WhatsApp.Other topics are also provided .


10. Calculate your WhatsApp Statistics

Using WhatsApp all the time? Curious texts you more ? Want to know if that infatuation is really interested in you ? Get known to initiates most conversations , on what days will be more active and the time sent messages through WhatStat for WhatsApp .

However, if you just want to know how the messages sent life today or within 7 days , 

go to Settings >> Account >> Network Usage . Here you will see the message sent / received , media

  bytes sent / received byte message sent / received.

11. Disposal of your WhatsApp account

This is another big problem many users are experiencing . You may have created the WhatsApp account or cancel the installation. Now , people have to find their number in WhatsApp , send messages and never got reply back .

Note, even if you change the SIM card, your account will not be automatically turned off, it will still be available. To delete your account permanently, go to Settings >> Account >> delete your account .
Enter your phone number and you will be removed from WhatsApp .

12 . Create a Fake / chat Conversation

Want to surprise your friends by showing he had a chat with Miley Cyrus , Sachin Tendulkar , Bill Gates , Mark Zuckerberg , Salman Khan, etc? Well, you can do this joke with friends using WhatsApp WhatSaid .


You will be able to create fake conversations with anyone by adding your photos, name it and create your own posts ( on both sides) . I love this trick? Well, moving on to other tricks WhatsApp 

 13.Change the phone number without losing messages

The most traditional way that most users do WhatsApp to change your number you uninstall and reinstall WhatsApp with the new number. If you do the same , all previous messages are lost.

So instead of using this form , change your number, scroll to Settings >> Account >> Change Number . Here , enter your old and new number and press ' Done' . WhatsApp will send a number and they will get checked .
Their conversations will be kept intact .

14. Hide Two images in one

Want to send a picture to your friend WhatsApp first look like a beautiful girl, but when he / she click on it , the image will change to mono ? No doubt , the girls are cute ,but how to make this possible ?

Install Magiapp tricks for FhumbApp Whatsapp on Android and iPhone. Using these applications , you will be able to hide a photo within the other. - Funniest Prank on WhatsApp Tricks 2014

 15.WhatsApp spy your friend's account

Most Wanted among Tricks WhatsApp : Well, most of you want to spy on your friend / lover ' s WhatsApp to know who else has chat , what kind of talk they do, etc. So here is the trick.

Install Spymaster PRO that will provide the ability to track and read the entire conversation of their

 teenagers and Cheating Spouse track shared pictures / video with time - timestamp too.alternative

The above application is very powerful, but you'll pay for it. So better be a free alternative that is here.

What we are about to do ? Well, WhatsApp check the MAC address of a phone. If you try to change it, WhatsApp will ask you to confirm your phone number . So , we have a loop hole . If you will be able to change the MAC address of your phone to the MAC address of the victim , you can access his  WhatsApp account from your phone .

Follow these steps:

1. Install Buysbox ( for rooted device ) or not Rooted BusyBox - (for the phone without root)

3.Head up Tip # 5 and meet multiple account and install WhatsApp on your Android   

4. Get your victim for 10 minutes and seek his / her MAC address: the location is For Android Settings >> About phone >> State >> Wi -Fi MAC address for iPhone (Settings >> General >> About Wi -Fi >> addresses ) for Windows Phone
 (Settings >> About >> More Info >> MAC Address ) and BlackBerry (Options >> Device >> Device and Status info >> WLAN MAC ) 

 5.an simply   spoof the MAC address.

6. Enter the phone number of the victim's WhatsApp, check it by entering the verification code received on the cell phone of the victim.

 7.  That's it. Now you can spy the victim completely WhatsApp ID .


 16. Receive notification of voice WhatsApp Activities

If you are engaged in some other task do not have time to access your phone just to read useless notifications WhatsApp , instead of ignoring them , you can convert a voice notification because later some messages that could put you in trouble ;) answers

To do this, follow these steps :

2.Open the voice notification . You will be prompted to enable accessibility for the application. So go to Settings >> Accessibility and convert accessibility values ​​fot this application.
3.Now, open the application again , you will have options to read notifications with Gmail WhatsApp , Viber and Spotbros App .

Cool! Is not it ?

17. Extend License Until 2022 Free WhatsApp

Most Popular Among Tricks WhatsApp : WhatsApp is free for a year and then there is an annual charge of pre - allocated Rs . 50 ($ 0.99) you will pay after the expiry of this one-year license . Although the rate is not much and would be our courtesy to pay the fee for WhatsApp developers for creating such a wonderful messenger, but it may be free until 2022.

If you wish to do this , follow these steps:
 1.  WhatsApp delete your account (follow Tip # 7 Tricks WhatsApp this post ) and uninstall your mobile phone 

 2. Convince your friend to register WhatsApp with his number on his / her iPhone

 3. Verify that your phone number from the iPhone WhatsApp his friend

 4. Delete the account (again follow Tip # 7) from the iPhone to your friend

  5. Install new copy of WhatsApp on your mobile phone .

That's it. Look at your account information and you will find your subscription runs until 2022. Enjoy subscription free WhatsApp 

  18. WhatsApp Friends Profile Pic Add to Contacts Easily

Even if you have not assigned a display pic for the number of his friend Save to contacts in your phone, WhatsApp will continue showing his profile picture that man has set as profile pic WhatsApp .

Therefore, if you want to use these photos for your contest profile , no need for screen capture and then crop the image profile of the contact. Simply go to the SD >> card WhatsApp >> Profile 

Pictures . Here you will find the image on your friend's profile saved phone number as its name. Just use it :-)


 Although this article is very long and has many tips and tricks WhatsApp powerful , but it's not the end. There are many more tricks WhatsApp will continue to share through our website. So bookmark our website and this article. Meanwhile, you can google Tricks WhatsApp . Hopefully, you will find some new tricks out there 

 So friends , how many of these best tricks WhatsApp already know ? Also, comment below to find the best trick among these killer tricks WhatsApp .