Blender 2.73a released, you cn install in on Ubuntu 14.04,14.10 and Linux Mint 17.1 via PPA

Blender 2.73a released, you cn install in on Ubuntu 14.04,14.10 and Linux Mint 17.1 via PPA
Blender is an open source application for creating professional 2D/3D graphics, models and animation on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. The truth is that Blender is targeted at advanced users and enthusiasts who know what they are doing. However, new users can find comprehensive documentation and tutorials on the official website, which will help them to get started with Blender.

What's New in version 2.73
  • Several Cycles Rendering updates, improvements and new features, support for GeForce 9xx GPUs.
  • New fullscreen mode, improved Pie Menus, 3D View can now display the world background.
  • Knife-tool now allows freehand smart cuts, and more improvements were made in selection tools, Bevel Modifier and Shapekeys.
  • Unwrapping UVs was improved, strength is now enabled for Grab and Snake Hook brushes, better visual feedback mode for painting with masks.
  • Sequencer now can show a backdrop, strips can be snapped to others along with other improvements.
  • Freestyle NPR Rendering has a new SVG exporter add-on, along with other improvements.
  • Grease Pencil had a major update, it is now possible to edit and animate strokes! New draw styles, and imporvements in user interface.
  • Collada Importer was updated, improving the compatibility with other software’s bone concepts.
  • Add-ons: FBX improved importing/exporting armatures, some Python API changes could need some Add-ons to be updated!
  • As usual several other minor updates and improvements, and lot of bugfixing also in this release.

Features at a glance

It provides a fully customizable Interface, undo support on all levels, anti-aliased fonts with international translation support, a built-in text editor for annotations, support for editing Python scripts, fully scriptable UI with custom themes, and a consistent interface across all platforms. The application can be used for physics and particles, shading, real-time 3D and game creation, imaging and compositing, raytrace rendering, rendering, animation, solids modeling, and character modeling.

Blender 2.73a released, you cn install in on Ubuntu 14.04,14.10 and Linux Mint 17.1 via PPA

Because it is available via PPA, installing Blender 2.73 on Ubuntu 14.04,14.10 and Linux Mint 17.1 and derivative systems is easy. All you have to do is add the ppa to your system, update the local repository index and install the blender package. Like this:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thomas-schiex/blender
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install blender
Optional, to remove blender, do:
sudo apt-get remove blender
The source is available now. Binary packages are in the process of being built, and will appear soon at their respective download locations.